Dutch Orange Equipment

Dutch Orange Equipment is specializeded in producing machines suitable for on-site production of endless HDPE pipelines.. After producing this pipeline it is possible to trench it in with a specially designed trencher.

We can produce pipes from 200 to 1600 mm in diameter with our Mobile Extruder Line, so this offers you many possibilities, the strength of this system is that we can will be able to change the insert-diameter in our patented Die Head. This allows you to change the pipe diameter on site in a very rapidly way if necessary. The length of the pipe can vary as desired up to a maximum of 1500 meters. If a longer lenght is needed an extra boosterstation will be installed.
Thanks to the system that is controlled by the latest technology, you are always assured of the correct quality and diameter and thickness of the pipes, which can be monitored on an app on your phone or computer.
Before the pipe leaves the system, everything is accurately measured if a weakening is found, this will be easy to trace and to remove from the pipe at a later time. The advantage of this system is that you produce almost Co2 neutral, this is good for the environment and for your success to get an assignment at this time (we are working on a hydrogen solution). The quality of the product also depends on the raw material you use, our machines are adjusted to the granulate from Sabic, this always guarantees an optimal product.
KIWA is invited for witnessing the complete Mobile Extruder line for future planned Potable Drinking Water HDPE Pipelines.

By using the Trencher from Dutch Orange, specially developed, it is possible to trench HDPE pipes up to a diameter of 1200mm. This machine runs behind the Mobile Extruder line when necessary, but can also be used after production due to its trenching speed, the machine is a nice way to reduce the installation time by half so that you can quickly switch over to a new project. The machine controll, depth and location are controlled by GPS, so they are always immediately visible on the map. With this Trencher it is also possible to trench high voltage cables, this can be done with an enclosed sand bed, depending on the specifications. It is also possible to trench the cable in a row of 3 cables with a distance of 250mm and within the same sand bed.

When you decide to choose for the Dutch Orange System, your company has many advantages over co-existence, it provides enormous cost savings and time savings. Furthermore, you have the production completely checked by yourself, and you are no longer dependent on the supply of pipes from a great distance, which is not good for the environment and for Co2 emissions.
We at Dutch Orange are happy to calculate a project for you, inother words what are the savings on a project and what is your extra provid by using the Dutch Orange system.
